

  Mother is so great. You know, the first one that receives you is—this life is your mother. No one can touch you, because you're conceived, and she bears you under her heart. And she is the first to know you, and the first to, in this life, to—to hold you. Then when you're born, she is the—one of the first hands that touch you and wipes back the tears out of your eye. She's the first one to pat you and to love you, and to coo over you, in this life, is your mother. Now, I think that there is not enough honor that we could give to a mother.

Mother is first with the child, and she's a great responsibility of what that child will be, will be based upon the way that mother starts that child on the path that it must travel. Mother has the responsibility from God to place that child on the right road. And I think that's why mothers has a special little touch.

    59-0510M - Mother's Day
    Rev. William Marrion Branham